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Job change

Depending on your circumstances, you may have several considerations related to your retirement benefits when making a job or career change.

Changing from one CalSTRS-covered position to another 

If your time base is changing

If you are transitioning from part-time to full-time, you may be newly subject to mandatory membership in the CalSTRS Defined Benefit Program. Consider purchasing the service you performed as a part-time employee to increase your retirement benefits.

Changing from one public education employer to another

Be sure to have your previous employer transfer your unused sick leave to your new employer. Unused sick leave can increase your service credit at retirement.

Changing to or from a position covered by CalSTRS 

If you are a member of CalSTRS and accepted employment to perform service that requires membership in a different public retirement system—or if you are a member of CalPERS and have accepted employment to perform service that requires membership in CalSTRS—you will have an opportunity to elect which plan you wish to be in going forward. Ask your employer for more information about the election process.

If you are leaving education 

You may still be eligible to receive a benefit from CalSTRS in the future if you are vested or if you may return to education in the future. If you are considering a refund, learn about the consequences of cashing out.