Employer direct reporting
Section 23004 of the Education Code authorizes the Teachers’ Retirement Board to approve a school district or community college district to report directly to CalSTRS, rather than through the county office of education. These regulations define the criteria the board uses to approve or disapprove a district as a direct report and the circumstances under which the board may withdraw its approval.
The board approved the proposed regulations April 1, 2015 and directed CalSTRS to give public notice. The board adopted the final regulations September 3, 2015. The regulations were filed with the Secretary of State on January 12, 2016 and are effective April 1, 2016.
OAL File Number Z-2015-0409-02
Regulatory Action Number 2015-1201-04S
For accessible versions of files on this page, contact ADACoordinator@CalSTRS.com.
Posted on January 21, 2015
- Notice of Approval of Regulatory Action
- Final Regulation Text
- Final Statement of Reasons
- STD 400 with Secretary of State endorsement (added March 14, 2016)
- Economic and Fiscal Impact Statement (Standard Form 399)
Posted on April 24, 2015
Written comment period closed June 8, 2015
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
- Text of Proposed Regulations
- Initial Statement of Reasons
- Economic and Fiscal Impact Statement (Standard Form 399)